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Chanel - one of the most elegant brand and logo in fashion. Even the name rolls with elegant ease off the tongue. Before the name was known the world over as a fashion giant, Chanel was a woman. A woman who once said "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance." With a motto like this, Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel gave birth to the concept of the little black dressm ,so let see history of chanel Brand and chanel Gabrielle “coco”.


Gabrielle Chanel was born illegitimate in Saumur, France on August 19th 1883, but she would later claim that her real date of birth was 1893, making her ten years younger. Her mother died at the young age of thirty three and her father sent Coco and her older sister Julie to an orphanage when she was only 12. “By the time I was 12, I realized that money is freedom,” she said.
When Chanel turned eighteen she left the orphanage and pursued singing. During this time, she preformed in bars in Vichy and Moulins where she earned herself the nickname "Coco." Many say she acquired her nickname from one of the songs she loved to sing. Chanel herself once said that it was a, "shortened version of coquette, the French word for "kept woman." She also worked for a local tailor.
In 1908 when Coco was 23 she became the mistress of a rich ex-military officer, the textile heir Etienne Balsan in 1908. She lived at his chateau for three years where she started designing and creating hats as a diversion to her aristocratic lifestyle. Chanel soon realized she had a passion for design.
Balsan introduced Coco to his friend, the wealthy industrialist Arthur Edward ‘Boy’ Capel who later became involved with Coco and installed her in a Paris apartment and helped finance her first millinery shops. Chanel's modest career quickly grew once theater actress Gabrielle Dorziat modeled her hats in the popular play, Bel Ami in 1912. The relationship lasted nine years, even after Capel married in 1918.
She soon opened boutiques in Deauville and Biarritz, but in 1919 Capel was killed in a car accident and shattered her world personally and professionally. Twenty-five years after his death, Coco explained to a friend: “His death was a terrible blow to me. In losing Capel, I lost everything. What followed was not a life of happiness I have to say.”
Chanel then focused on expanding from hats to clothing and selected an unusual fabric: jersey. The decision was rather shocking since it was commonly used for men’s underwear. Purchased primarily for its low cost and ample supply, the fabric draped well and suited Chanel’s designs, which were simple and practical especially after World War I broke out.
No longer were women forced to wear corsets and need a lady’s maid to dress and undress. Society and history was never the same again. By 1916 Chanel’s stores are so financially successful that she has three hundred employees.
By the 1920s, Coco moved into 31, rue Cambon in Paris, where Chanel company headquarters remain to this day. Chanel transformed herself into a style icon with an attention grabbing bob haircut that put her at the cutting edge of a new modern style. Also she made an agreement with the Wertheimer brothers, Paul, and Pierre, directors of the famous perfume house Bourgeois, and created the very successful perfume, "Chanel No. 5." ,If you want add color to your life ! so this perfume of Chanel at AMAZON is made for you.purchase it from here at AMAZON
In 1925, Chanel launched her signature cardigan jacket and the following year had another breakout success with her little black dress (forever known as the LBD-little black dress).
Chanel's business suffered during the depression of the 1930s, but it was the start of World War II that forced her to shut her doors. During the German occupation of France, she controversially became involved with a German officer. After the war, she was not officially charged with helping the Nazis, but the people of France viewed her as a traitor and she left Paris for her country home and Switzerland.
At the age of 70, Chanel re-entered the fashion business. Her return was greeted with hostility by critics, but customers embraced her clothing and she rapidly returned to her former success. In 1971, Chanel died, but her fashion house and iconic designs live on.
Though today's glamorization of Coco Chanel's history ignores her impoverished childhood and suspect involvement with the Nazis, the legacy she left the fashion world is undeniable. Now under the direction of Karl Lagerfeld, Chanel designs remain the ultimate status symbol.
a video of 3.03 min show mini biography of coco chanel.

For who need deep information with pictures about Coco chanel,See this Book at Amazon under title ( Coco Chanel Famous Fashion Designers),purchase it from here

How You Find life of Coco Chanel ? and did you have a little black dress or something from Chanel !

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Written by Karina Krugli

Hello, My name is Karina Krugli, I'm a model, From early childhood, I am interested in fashion and beauty, in health and beauty industry magazine I will share with you many beauty secrets to help you always stay healthy, beautiful and confident.

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